Our Story

Our Clinic

The idea for Shepherd’s Clinic was formed during the summer of 1989 by a Medstar Union Memorial Hospital (MUMH) physician assistant and members of the Seventh Baptist Church – located at the corner of North Avenue and St. Paul Street – in response to the overcrowding of the hospital’s emergency room by non-emergency, uninsured patients.

Grassroots Effort

Learning of this grassroots effort, which opened its doors to patients in June 1991, former MUMH Chief of Staff Dr. William H.M. Finney became the first volunteer medical director. He immediately forged a relationship with Union Memorial Hospital which allowed Clinic patients to receive free specialty and surgical care. After relocating twice on the same 1900 block of St. Paul Street due to ever increasing growth, Shepherd’s Clinic moved again in early 2006 to a nearby permanent facility at 2800 Kirk Avenue, right behind Baltimore City College.

The Shepherd’s Clinic-William H. M. Finney Foundation was created in 1999 to raise endowment funds in support of the Clinic. Today, the clinic continues to thrive with a diverse range of supporters including foundations, individual donors, corporations, congregations, in-kind contributions, and the ongoing support of the Finney Foundation and MedStar.